La Piana 
We have always considered La Piana, an elevated pedestrian square in South Milan, as a blank canvas on which projecting thoughts and desires. Since 2014 the negotiation between inhabitants and artists have settled the rules of a sort of game on this beloved place. The game has been shaped the space and designed the table-square, layer by layer, people after people. In 2020 in collaboration with Nina Bassoli X-Contemporary Art, Atir, Alveare, L’Impronta, Le Pianiste we realized project of redevelopment of the square. Using the tools provided by Piazze Aperte Milano we drawn up a liquid square, an imaginary playground. The colors of road and parking signs (yellow and blue) fade into a new geographical landscape in which we travel, play and dance despite the rules.

Pomaia ° Rosignano Solvay
Everything arises from space, exists in space and dissolve in space

Rama G. Gurunu
Inspired by our collective childhood we imagined hidden planets lived by young beauties. We discovered an illegal toxic mine just next to our home e thus we started going there day by day thinking of parellal worlds that exist but we don’t usually notice. The main characters of this unexpected exploration were Wenba mask, Prisma ladies, Blue Samana and Silver Moon. We realised apparel like jackets and jumpers to play on what we see in those altereted landscape. For us it wasn’t just a mine, from being  initially a Moon field, it became rubber trampoline to finally jump on a Vulcano.

City After The City
On the occasion of the XXI Triennale di Milano International Exposition, Milan houses the exhibition named City after the City. If we admit that cities are no longer able to self-certify traditions and roots, then we can say we are facing a divisive event of great impact, which above all testifies to the opaque nature of today’s urban model. City after the City examines the symptoms of a global trend towards going beyond the conventional city. In collaboration with the curators Pier Luigi NIcolin, Nina Bassoli and Bruce Mau Design we research and designed Street Art Pavillion. Street art is widespread in many cities, bringing renewed attention to social and visual communication in city thoroughfares. Between public and private, individual and society, architecture and the environment, permitted and prohibited, street art concerns both the emotive sphere of the individual and the conventions of the public space.